So another Illustration Friday topic is here. And what, I ask you, can be more cliquey than a bunch of dogs getting together for an afternoon of sniffing and hanging around their favorite fire hydrant? Do they allow cats in their little group? I think not! And look, they have their own matching T-shirts. I understand there is also a secret handshake. Or is that pawshake?
funny dogs with great t-shirts :)
Wow, very nice work!
Rui Sousa
(O temporário)
"getting together for an afternoon of sniffing and hanging around their favorite fire hydrant"
I enjoyed your description as much as the illo!
Another brilliant concept for the topic! Beautifully done.
Check out those expressions! Gotta love it - what a great take on this topic.
Nice character designs!
ha ha didn't you know there's a secret sniff?
Wow! I absolutely adore your dogs with their green t-shirts! They can even write graffiti! Awesome!
Hi Ron
Once again I'm in awe of one of your cartoons. They are just perfect. Very well done indeed.
Hi Ron, i really enjoy your cartoon style. Love the clean look.
Great Illustration! I love how they're crowded around the hydrant in a protective manner. I guess they know the best places to go when they find them!
oh-oh, they look a bit menacing ;)They are a great clique, with their green T-shirts.
I absolutely love this toon. :-) As an owner of 4 mop dogs...which i love dearly....this toon was terrific.
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