Monday, January 9, 2012


Four months since I last posted? Not possible! Okay so it is possible.
Here's my latest Illustration Friday submission. Doesn't get much more grounded than this.
By the way for those of you who read this, you may be interested to know that my Toonaday site is now free. Yes I am nuts. Thanks for asking...
Check it out at


k.h.whitaker said...

ha! great idea for grounded

Autumn said...

:D Love your bloggy thing. What medium do you use for your illustrations? They're so clean!

Ron Leishman said...

I draw my images in pen and ink on (gasp) paper then scan and clean up in Illustrator.

AtelierBrigitte said...

He is really grounded, poor guy. Lovely piece!

Michael Kline said...

Hey Ron, just came across your stuff and wanted to say I Love It! Looks like you have fun with your art, which is the way it should be. Kudos!

Ron Leishman said...

You got that right Michael.

Ron Leishman said...

You got that right Michael.