Friday, July 1, 2011


Sometimes the remedy is worse than the ailment. My Illustration Friday contribution for this week.


Julia Bolchakova said...

LOL this is great! :))

Ted Blackman said...

Aint that the truth! But then again, I do look forward to my cherry flavored Nyquil! HIC!

Ron Leishman said...

Mmmm, Cherry Nyquil...

Hi I'm Laurie... said...

LOL! Looks like it must taste terrible. What a terrific face!

AtelierBrigitte said...

He really doesn't like it - is it cod-liver oil or something?

Ron Leishman said...

It's his worst nightmare...

Jolanda said...

Is this like when mom tries to give us an onion, garlic smoothie to get rid of a cold?

Ron Leishman said...

Exactly like that.